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"Christina has been my lifeline, twice helping me reach my wife in the months after she passed.   Her connections were profound and personal, and I loved seeing her active partnership with my wife to understand and bring messages to me.  Christina is also just plain genuine and generous.  I am deeply touched by her care for me and my family and I am beyond grateful Christina helped make the connection I needed when I needed it most."

S.T. (Mediumship Reading)


You are not meant to live small

Coaching with Christina Hayes

Meet Christina

Certified Life Coach and Reiki Master

My journey into the workings of mind, the power of our thoughts, and neuropsychology began over 30 years ago, and continues today. I am a Certified Life Coach, a graduate of the Coaching Guild, and Reiki Master.  

I giggle a little bit when I read my credentials. If you would have told me 20 years ago this is what I would be doing for a living, I would have laughed. I had such severe panic attacks that for over a year I hardly left my house. My marriage went from the perfect house with the white picket fence, to an episode of Jerry Springer.  But something inside of me knew that I was meant for something so much more than constant struggle. 

Whether you are feeling stuck in a dead-end job, a poor relationship, or just unable to decide where you want to go for dinner, I am here to guide you to your why. Why do you choose "those" types of relationships? Why do you find it so hard to make a decision about something as simple as going to Subway or getting a burger.  Why do you believe you are not meant for more? 

Beyond all things, I know you are not meant to be small. You are here to take up space, to expand, grow, and learn. 

I am so excited to share that journey with you. 


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What I Specialize In


Intuitive 30+ Years

The art of Manifestation

Reiki Master 

Attuned 1994

Forming a direct line to your authentic self by listening and connecting with your words, body, and spirit.

Begin Your Journey Today.

Book an Appointment

Book a Free Coaching Consultation, an Intuitive Reading, or Reiki appointment today. The journey to your healing begins today. 

You are greater than you know

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Phone: 509-440-5090

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Christina Hayes

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